Obituaries 1880

Baltimore Sun 

January 10, 1880
Submitted by Mona Everett

Davis, Mary E.
Mary E., On January 9, Mary E. Davis, the beloved wife of Samuel
Davis and eldest daughter of the late John and Sarah A. Dally/Daily. Rest in
peace. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her
funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 80 South Spring street, on
tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at one o'clock.

DICKINSON, Cora Elizabeth--On January 9, at 7 o'clock P.M., of scarlet fever, CORA ELIZABETH, aged 2 years and 7 months, only daughter of James A. and Elizabeth A. Dickinson.
 Gem of our hearth, our household pride,
Could love have saved, thou hadst not died.
 The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence, No. 179 Lee street, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock.

King, Ellen
KING--Departed this life, on 9th of January (1880), Mrs. Ellen King, aged 45 years, wife of Edward King. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 282(??not clear) North Wolfe street, on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, 11th instant, at 3 o'clock.

Baltimore Sun March 8, 1880
Submitted by:  Christine Schott

BOULDIN James Henry 7 Mar 1880 On Sunday, March 7, at the Church Home and Infirmary, JAMES HENRY BOULDIN, colored, in the 58th year of his age. Funeral from No 38 (?) North Dallas street, tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at three o'clock.

FRIETSCH Eva Kunigunda 6 Mar 1880 On 6th March, EVA KUNIGUNDA FRIETSCH, aged 48 years. RIP. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, at eight o'clock, from her late residence, corner of Eastern avenue and washington street, thence to St Michael's Church, where a Requiem Mass will be said.

HESS Elizabeth 6 Mar 1880 On Saturday, March 6, 1880, ELIZABETH HESS, aged 32 years, beloved wife of Geo P Hess. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, southeast corner Aliceanna and Ann streets, on this (Monday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

HODDINOTT Lollie 5 Mar 1880 On March 5, LOLLIE, in the 4th year of her age, second daughter of J W and E J Hoddinott. Relatives and friends of the family are respcetfully invited to attend her funeral, from her parents' residence, No 180 Harford avenue, this (Monday) morning, 8th instant, at ten o'clock.

HERGESHEIMER Charles 5 Mar 1880 On the morning of March 5, 1880, CHARLES, third son of Hannah and the late Christopher Hergesheimer. His male friends and the relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his mother, No 12 Thames st, this (Monday) afternon, 8th instant, at three o'clk.

MORRISON Joseph 5 Mar 1880 On 5th of March, 1880, JOSEPH MORRISON, in the 69th (?) year of his age. [New York city and Harrisburg (Penna) papers please copy.] The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No 31 South Ann street, this (Monday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

MUSSELMAN Anna C 6 Mar 1880 Sweetly fell asleep, on the morning of the 6th, ANN C MUSSELMAN, eldest daughter of the late Jno. and Fanny Musselman. [Philadelphia and Lancaster papers please copy] The funeral will take place from her late residence, on this (Monday) morning, March 8, at ten o'clock. Interment at Mt Olivet.

PETERS Mary E 7 Mar 1880 On Sunday evening, March 7, 1880, at her late residence, No 381 Druid Hill avenue, MARY E, aged 69 years 1 month and 5 days, widow of the late John J Peters. Due notice of the funeral will be given.

REVILLE Margaret 7 Mar 1880 Departed this life, on March 7, MARGARET REVILLE, in the 67th year of her age, the beloved wife of John Reville, a native of the parish Taghman, county Wexford, Ireland. May she rest in peace. Her funeral will take place from her late residence, at the Belvidere Nursery, East Eager street, on tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, March 9, at three o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

WILLIAMSON Francis Ignatius 7 Mar 1880 On the 7th instant, after a short illness, FRANCIS IGNATUS, aged 4 years 7 months and 8 days, beloved son of Robert and Mary E Williamson. Funeral will take place from the residence of his parents, No 3 Trinity street, on this (Monday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

GOSNELL Joseph Avis 6 Mar 1880 On March 6 1880, JOSEPH AVIS, aged 7 months and 6 days, infant son of Jesse T and Sallie Gosnell.

JOHNSTON Hannah R 6 Mar 1880 On March 6, 1880, HANNAH R, aged 9 days, infant daughter of John A and Hannah Johnstons [Poughkeepsie Eagle (NY) please copy.]
Little Hannah was our darling,
Pride of all our hearts at home;
But an angel came and whispered,
Darling Hannah, do come home.

April 15, 1880
Submitted by Clair Hadley

MORGAN, Wilson B. 
MORGAN-On the 14th instant,after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, WILSON B. MORGAN, in the 77th year of his age, formerly of Cumberland Co, Va., but for the last forty years, a resident of Baltimore, (Philadelphia and Virginia papers please copy). Due notice of the funeral will be given

May 30, 1880
Submitted by:  Mona Everett

Merritt, George A. 
On Tuesday morning, May 28, after a lingering illness, which he
bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, GEORGE A. MERRITT, an old and
respected merchant of this city. His funeral will take place from his late
residence, on this (Thursday) morning, at ten o'clock. (If there was more,
it was cut off.)

Baltimore Sun July 1, 1880
Submitted by:  Christine Schott

KESLER ?? ?? (top of copy cut off) aged 9 weeks and 9 days, the only child of Philip and Isabella Kesler. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, on Friday morning, 2d of July, at ten o'clock, from his late residence, No 72 South Ann street.

Lewis 29 Jun 1880 On June 29, LEWIS LOGUE, in the 71st year of his age. [Frederick City and Harford county papers please copy.] Funeral will take place from his late residence, at Woodberry, at two o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon. Interment at Baltimore Cemetery.

Elizabeth 29 June 1880 On Tuesday, June 29, ELIZABETH McCLEAN, in the 85th year of her age, wife of Jacob McClean. [Philadelphia papers please copy.] The funeral will take place from the residence of her son, No 159 Elliott street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

Mary A E 30 Jun 1880 On 30th June, MARY A E, aged 3 months and 23 days, only daughter of John W and Mary E Marshall. Her funeral will take place from her parents' residence, No 167 North Central avenue, this (Thursday) morning, at ten o'clock.

William W 30 Jun 1880 Entered into rest, on Wednesday, June 30, Dr. William W Norris, in the 31st year of his age, eldest son of George Somerville Norris. Notice of funeral hereafter.

Lulu Adams 29 Jun 1880 On June 19, 1880, of cholera infantum, LULU ADAMS, aged 5 months and 4 days, the infant daughter of Charles J and Annie A Parker, and granddaughter of Captain Levin Colbert. Funeral at Elysville, Howard county, this (Thursday) morning, at ten o'clock.

Wilhelmine 30 Jun 1880 On Wednesday, June 30, after a long illness, WILHELMINE, in the 53d year of her age, wife of Herman Sachtleben.

Charlotte 30 Jun 1880 On the morning of 30th June, at the residence of Fladley H Duras, CHARLOTTE TOOGOOD. Faithful unto death.

Hezekiah 29 Jun 1880 On the morning of the 29th June, HEZEKIAH VINSON, in the 44th year of his age. The funeral will take place from his brother-in-law's residence, William T St??, No 266 South Sharp street, on this (Wednesday) afternoon, at five o'clock.

Baltimore Sun July 2, 1880
Submitted by:  Christine Schott

McCLAIN Mary A 1 Jul 1880 On 1st of July, 1880, MARY A, aged 3 months and 14 days, daughter of John E and Annie McClain. The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon, at three o'clock, from her grandfather's residence, No 374 Cathedral street.

MILLER Vincent 30 Jun 1880 At the residence of his grandmother, Calverton, June 30, VINCENT, youngest child of C T and Hettie Miller.

McCONKEY George W 30 Jun 1880 Near Union Bridge, Carroll county, MD, on June 30, GEORGE W McCONKEY, in the 81st year of his age, formerly of Baltimore county.

REDMOND Martin C 1 Jul 1880 Departed this life on July 1, after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, MARTIN C REDMOND< in the 56th year of his age, a native of county Wexford, Ire and, but for the last thirteen years a resident of Baltimore county.
Lonely the house and sad the hours
Since our dear father has gone;
But oh! a brighter home than ours
In Heaven is now his own.
Due notice of the funeral will be given.

SELLERS Matthew B 1 Jul 1880 On the morning of July 1, 1880, at his late residence, in the city of Baltimore, MATTHEW B SELLERS, formerly of Louisiana. [Philadelphia, Louisville, and New Orleans papers please copy.] The friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the Church of the Ascension, on Saturday afternoon, at half-past four o'clock.

SPILMAN Virginia 1 Jul 1880 On the morning of the 1st inst, VIRGINIA, in the 33d year of her age, wife of William Spilman, and youngest daughter of Clarissa and the late William Steuart. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No 261 South Paca street, on this (Friday) afternoon, at half-past four o'clock.

SACHTLEBEN Wilhelmine 30 Jun 1880 On Wednesday, June 30, after a long illness, WILHELMINE, in the 53d year of her age, wife of Herman Sachtleben.

SCHLOSS Henriette 1 Jul 1880 On 1st July, 1880, Mrs. HENRIETTE SCHLOSS, aged 65 years, beloved wife of R Schloss [New York and Pittsburg papers please copy.] Her funeral will take place from her late residence, No 243 West Pratt street, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

SIMPSON Mary Edith 27 Jun 1880 At Hedgesville, West Virginia, June 27, MARY EDITH, aged 8 months and 12 days, daughter of E J and Amy C Simpson. A tiny bud gone to blossom in Heaven.

SELIGMAN Mayer 30 Jun 1880 On Wednesday, June 30, at 11:20 PM, MAYER SELIGMAN, aged 58 years, the beloved husband of Eliza Seligman, a native of Bavaria. Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No 23 North Pine street, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock.

SMITH Annie G 1 Jul 1880 On July 1, ANNIE G SMITH, daughter of Kate and Walter Smith, and granddaughter of Richard and Mary Burke. The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her fahter, No 12 North Amity street, this (Friday) afternoon, at five o'clock.

WILLIAMS Lillie E 1 Jul 1880 Departed this life, 1st July, LIILIE E, aged 5 months and 10 days, the only and beloved child of James R and Anne Williams.
Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,
Death came with timely care;
The opening bud to Heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there.
Funeral will take place on Saturday morning, at nine o'clock, from the residence of her parents, No 65 North Amity street.

WARD Horace Beall 29 Jun 1880 Suddenly, at Westminster, MD, Tuesday, June 29, HORACT BEALL WARD, aged 23 years 11 months and 10 days, son of Anne E Ward and the late Ulysses B Ward, of Washington, DC.

WINCHESTER J Richard 22 Jun 1880 At Hendersonville, North Carolina, on Tuesday, June 22, Judge J RICH

July 21, 1880
Submitted by: Mona Everett

Baker, Mary Elizabeth
Baker, On the 20th of July (1880), after a short illness, Mary Elizabeth Baker, aged 6 months and 18 days, daughter of William T. and Mary D. Baker.

Correa Mary Catharine
--On the 20th of July, 12880, MARY CATHARINE, aged 10 months, only
 child of John H. and Estelle R. Correa. (Frederick papers please copy.)

Davis, Thomas Edwin
Thomas Edwin, On July 19, 1880, Thomas Edwin, aged 1 year, 3 months
and 27 days, infant son of John L. and Maria A. Davis. The relatives and
friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from
the residence of his grandfather, John J. Kelley, No. 31 O'Donnell street,
Canton, this (Wednesday) afternoon at four o'clock.

October 4, 1880
Submitted by:  Mona Everett

Davis, Isabella
DAVIS, Isabella, On the 3rd instant, Isabella, aged 2 years and 9 months,
the youngest child of William T. and Sarah A. Davis.

HEAPHY, Michael--On October 2, 1880, MICHAEL HEAPHY, in the 75th year of his age. May he rest in peace.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this (Monday) morning, at eight o'clock, from the residence of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. M. Heaphy, No. 54 East Pratt street, thence to St. Vincent's Church, where a Requiem High Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul.

Harris, O.C.
--On the afternoon of October 3, 1880, O.C. HARRIS, in the 26th year
of his age, formerly of Calvert County. (Calvert and Anne Arundel papers
please copy.)

Last Updated: 03/31/2025 22:09:21 Friday, 23-Aug-2024 06:32:40 CDT

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